Storage tanks

Bolted steel tanks
The waterproofing of the structure is achieved by : • a Sika type mastic joint applied between the tank sections • a reinforced PVC membrane prefabricated in the factory to the dimensions of the tank
Possibility of covering the structure with a flat or conical roof (coated steel, stainless steel, aluminium, fibreglass, etc.), aluminium dome shaped or flexible reinforced PVC (single or double membrane).
Tank Structure for above-ground location anchored on a concrete base which ensures an excellent support for the structure.
Assembly carried out by means of lifting jacks or scaffolding, by our specialised teams.

- Fully automatic product.
- Flow range up to 800 m3/h
- Remarkable durability
- Requires minimum maintenance
- Very small footprint
- Overload sensor stops the device in case of blockage
- Supplied in galvanised steel or stainless steel
- Robust and reliable solution.
Durable solution: the life span of bolted tanks in coated steel or stainless- steel can exceed 50 years.
- Design: bolted tanks are resistant to many climatic hazards, such as wind, snow and heat). bolted technology offers the possibility of designing structures of significant height in all diameters.
- Quality of the coating is controlled in the factory: the coatings on the steel are applied in the factory in an excellent environment, ensuring optimal and constant quality of the coating, giving the tank a very high level of resistance to corrosion and designed for the products to be stored.
- The bolted metal solution allows for a very short manufacturing period and minimal installation times on site compared with concrete and welded metal solutions.
- Reduced transport costs: tanks packaged in kits on pallets are delivered to the site on a curtain sider truck or in containers for export.

- Quick and easy installation: the installation is carried out by means of lifting the various sections allowing a fast, secure and robust assembly (no requirement to use heavy construction equipment such as cranes or scaffolding).
- Scalable and modular: the tank can be raised later or dismantled and reassembled on another site. the bolted solution offers the flexibility to easily additional items including accessories such as ladders, manholes, etc. plus, various pipes connections during the life of the tank.
No requirement to work at height
No welding of sections
Compatible with low to medium heavy equipment
Prefabrication allows for quick easy assembly on site in the minimum of time